# Load MCMC samples

files <- dir("models")
file <- files[grepl(x = files, pattern = "RDS$")]
filepath <- glue::glue("models/backup-mcmc/{file}")

informed_any <- readRDS(filepath[1])
noninformed_any <- readRDS(filepath[2])
informed_major <- readRDS(filepath[3])
noninformed_major <- readRDS(filepath[4])

Non Informed Model for Any-Amputation

# assign the model
model <- noninformed_any[[4]]

Effective Sample Size

The effective sample size and the effective sample size in comparison to the actual sample size.

summary(model) %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  as_tibble(rownames = "Predictors") %>% 
  select(Predictors, any_non = n_eff) %>% 
  slice(1:8) %>% 
Predictors any_non
(Intercept) 26516
p 24728
e_ordinal_5 25087
d 26378
i 28326
s 32397
alter_bei_aufnahme 28275
gender 31458
neff_ratio(model) %>% kable()
(Intercept) 0.8838667
p 0.8242667
e_ordinal_5 0.8362333
d 0.8792667
i 0.9442000
s 1.0799000
alter_bei_aufnahme 0.9425000
gender 1.0486000

Autorcorrelation in the MCMC chains

Autocorrelation shown with lag plots and trace plots

mcmc_acf(as.matrix(model), lags = 10)

style <- trace_style_np(div_alpha = .1, div_size = 0.01)

                n_warmup = 500,
                np_style = style) 

Collinearity of the Predictors

Investigtion of colliniearity with scatter- and hex plots.

mcmc_pairs(as.matrix(model), off_diag_fun = c("scatter"),
           off_diag_args = list(alpha = .01, size = .5))

mcmc_pairs(as.matrix(model), off_diag_fun = c("hex"),
           off_diag_args = list(alpha = .01, size = .5))

cov <- cor(as.matrix(model), method = "pearson")
colnames(cov) <- c("ic", "p", "e", "d", "i", "s", "a", "g")

diag(cov) <- NA
max(abs(cov)[-1, -1], na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.2749493
diag(cov) <- 1

ic p e d i s a g
(Intercept) 1.0000000 0.0793537 -0.5659471 -0.3165202 -0.0897339 -0.4183069 -0.5438922 -0.1463428
p 0.0793537 1.0000000 -0.1428090 -0.2058443 0.1071609 -0.0520479 -0.2286700 0.0356635
e_ordinal_5 -0.5659471 -0.1428090 1.0000000 -0.1535834 -0.0817196 0.0468094 0.0529626 -0.0554157
d -0.3165202 -0.2058443 -0.1535834 1.0000000 -0.2749493 -0.0446428 0.1095093 -0.0090532
i -0.0897339 0.1071609 -0.0817196 -0.2749493 1.0000000 -0.0129428 0.1216458 -0.0023816
s -0.4183069 -0.0520479 0.0468094 -0.0446428 -0.0129428 1.0000000 -0.0293552 -0.0155554
alter_bei_aufnahme -0.5438922 -0.2286700 0.0529626 0.1095093 0.1216458 -0.0293552 1.0000000 0.0610542
gender -0.1463428 0.0356635 -0.0554157 -0.0090532 -0.0023816 -0.0155554 0.0610542 1.0000000

Posterior Predictive Checks


ppc_dens_overlay(y = model$y,
                 yrep = posterior_predict(model, draws = 50))

Informed Model for Any-Amputation

# assign the model
model <- informed_any[[4]]

Effective Sample Size

The effective sample size and the effective sample size in comparison to the actual sample size.

summary(model) %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  as_tibble(rownames = "Predictors") %>% 
  select(Predictors, any_non = n_eff) %>% 
  slice(1:8) %>% 
Predictors any_non
(Intercept) 25945
p 29933
e_ordinal_5 23116
d 27226
i 26024
s 33476
alter_bei_aufnahme 28278
gender 30840
neff_ratio(model) %>% kable()
(Intercept) 0.8648333
p 0.9977667
e_ordinal_5 0.7705333
d 0.9075333
i 0.8674667
s 1.1158667
alter_bei_aufnahme 0.9426000
gender 1.0280000

Autorcorrelation in the MCMC chains

Autocorrelation shown with lag plots and trace plots

mcmc_acf(as.matrix(model), lags = 10)

style <- trace_style_np(div_alpha = .1, div_size = 0.01)

                n_warmup = 500,
                np_style = style) 

Collinearity of the Predictors

Investigtion of colliniearity with scatter- and hex plots.

mcmc_pairs(as.matrix(model), off_diag_fun = c("scatter"),
           off_diag_args = list(alpha = .01, size = .5))

mcmc_pairs(as.matrix(model), off_diag_fun = c("hex"),
           off_diag_args = list(alpha = .01, size = .5))

cov <- cor(as.matrix(model), method = "pearson")
colnames(cov) <- c("ic", "p", "e", "d", "i", "s", "a", "g")

diag(cov) <- NA
max(abs(cov)[-1, -1], na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.2340102
diag(cov) <- 1

ic p e d i s a g
(Intercept) 1.0000000 0.0349171 -0.5861574 -0.2856248 -0.1529161 -0.3706560 -0.5751867 -0.1663527
p 0.0349171 1.0000000 -0.1427170 -0.1357756 0.0897612 -0.0226227 -0.1966719 0.0211727
e_ordinal_5 -0.5861574 -0.1427170 1.0000000 -0.1311298 -0.1029940 0.0298256 0.0549479 -0.0463510
d -0.2856248 -0.1357756 -0.1311298 1.0000000 -0.2340102 -0.0123200 0.0749730 -0.0023262
i -0.1529161 0.0897612 -0.1029940 -0.2340102 1.0000000 -0.0243252 0.1645768 -0.0026041
s -0.3706560 -0.0226227 0.0298256 -0.0123200 -0.0243252 1.0000000 -0.0164834 -0.0133739
alter_bei_aufnahme -0.5751867 -0.1966719 0.0549479 0.0749730 0.1645768 -0.0164834 1.0000000 0.0713783
gender -0.1663527 0.0211727 -0.0463510 -0.0023262 -0.0026041 -0.0133739 0.0713783 1.0000000

Posterior Predictive Checks


ppc_dens_overlay(y = model$y,
                 yrep = posterior_predict(model, draws = 50))

Non Informed Model for Major-Amputation

# assign the model
model <- noninformed_major[[4]]

Effective Sample Size

The effective sample size and the effective sample size in comparison to the actual sample size.

summary(model) %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  as_tibble(rownames = "Predictors") %>% 
  select(Predictors, any_non = n_eff) %>% 
  slice(1:8) %>% 
Predictors any_non
(Intercept) 21569
p 26686
e_ordinal_5 22283
d 23718
i 28822
s 30906
alter_bei_aufnahme 29617
gender 30830
neff_ratio(model) %>% kable()
(Intercept) 0.7189667
p 0.8895333
e_ordinal_5 0.7427667
d 0.7906000
i 0.9607333
s 1.0302000
alter_bei_aufnahme 0.9872333
gender 1.0276667

Autorcorrelation in the MCMC chains

Autocorrelation shown with lag plots and trace plots

mcmc_acf(as.matrix(model), lags = 10)

style <- trace_style_np(div_alpha = .1, div_size = 0.01)

                n_warmup = 500,
                np_style = style) 

Collinearity of the Predictors

Investigtion of colliniearity with scatter- and hex plots.

mcmc_pairs(as.matrix(model), off_diag_fun = c("scatter"),
           off_diag_args = list(alpha = .01, size = .5))

mcmc_pairs(as.matrix(model), off_diag_fun = c("hex"),
           off_diag_args = list(alpha = .01, size = .5))

cov <- cor(as.matrix(model), method = "pearson")
colnames(cov) <- c("ic", "p", "e", "d", "i", "s", "a", "g")

diag(cov) <- NA
max(abs(cov)[-1, -1], na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.187903
diag(cov) <- 1

ic p e d i s a g
(Intercept) 1.0000000 0.0847580 -0.5746235 -0.4403784 -0.0979059 -0.4175271 -0.4247953 -0.1055477
p 0.0847580 1.0000000 -0.1774932 -0.1752217 0.1749470 -0.0368303 -0.1879030 0.0316887
e_ordinal_5 -0.5746235 -0.1774932 1.0000000 -0.1362739 -0.0514759 0.0247712 0.0269633 -0.0503418
d -0.4403784 -0.1752217 -0.1362739 1.0000000 -0.1786476 -0.0081841 0.0720570 0.0043751
i -0.0979059 0.1749470 -0.0514759 -0.1786476 1.0000000 -0.0203087 0.1177035 -0.0018219
s -0.4175271 -0.0368303 0.0247712 -0.0081841 -0.0203087 1.0000000 -0.0184347 -0.0172154
alter_bei_aufnahme -0.4247953 -0.1879030 0.0269633 0.0720570 0.1177035 -0.0184347 1.0000000 0.0535621
gender -0.1055477 0.0316887 -0.0503418 0.0043751 -0.0018219 -0.0172154 0.0535621 1.0000000

Posterior Predictive Checks


ppc_dens_overlay(y = model$y,
                 yrep = posterior_predict(model, draws = 50))

Informed Model for Major-Amputation

# assign the model
model <- informed_major[[4]]

Effective Sample Size

The effective sample size and the effective sample size in comparison to the actual sample size.

summary(model) %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  as_tibble(rownames = "Predictors") %>% 
  select(Predictors, any_non = n_eff) %>% 
  slice(1:8) %>% 
Predictors any_non
(Intercept) 18853
p 28542
e_ordinal_5 17698
d 24427
i 28594
s 31812
alter_bei_aufnahme 29640
gender 31760
neff_ratio(model) %>% kable()
(Intercept) 0.6284333
p 0.9514000
e_ordinal_5 0.5899333
d 0.8142333
i 0.9531333
s 1.0604000
alter_bei_aufnahme 0.9880000
gender 1.0586667

Autorcorrelation in the MCMC chains

Autocorrelation shown with lag plots and trace plots

mcmc_acf(as.matrix(model), lags = 10)

style <- trace_style_np(div_alpha = .1, div_size = 0.01)

                n_warmup = 500,
                np_style = style) 

Collinearity of the Predictors

Investigtion of colliniearity with scatter- and hex plots.

mcmc_pairs(as.matrix(model), off_diag_fun = c("scatter"),
           off_diag_args = list(alpha = .01, size = .5))

mcmc_pairs(as.matrix(model), off_diag_fun = c("hex"),
           off_diag_args = list(alpha = .01, size = .5))

cov <- cor(as.matrix(model), method = "pearson")
colnames(cov) <- c("ic", "p", "e", "d", "i", "s", "a", "g")

diag(cov) <- NA
max(abs(cov)[-1, -1], na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.1714518
diag(cov) <- 1

ic p e d i s a g
(Intercept) 1.0000000 0.0069335 -0.5924943 -0.4310989 -0.1652019 -0.3600507 -0.4749794 -0.1496084
p 0.0069335 1.0000000 -0.1218569 -0.1001841 0.1223925 -0.0138671 -0.1714518 0.0023425
e_ordinal_5 -0.5924943 -0.1218569 1.0000000 -0.0808024 -0.0407176 0.0316064 0.0135434 -0.0321372
d -0.4310989 -0.1001841 -0.0808024 1.0000000 -0.1252087 -0.0165436 0.0541985 0.0128134
i -0.1652019 0.1223925 -0.0407176 -0.1252087 1.0000000 -0.0112839 0.1248401 -0.0060010
s -0.3600507 -0.0138671 0.0316064 -0.0165436 -0.0112839 1.0000000 -0.0176944 -0.0137813
alter_bei_aufnahme -0.4749794 -0.1714518 0.0135434 0.0541985 0.1248401 -0.0176944 1.0000000 0.0700661
gender -0.1496084 0.0023425 -0.0321372 0.0128134 -0.0060010 -0.0137813 0.0700661 1.0000000

Posterior Predictive Checks


ppc_dens_overlay(y = model$y,
                 yrep = posterior_predict(model, draws = 50))